Friday, January 25, 2013

Personal Passion Topic Book

The book I chose to base my personal passion project on, is the book "With Liberty and Justice For All" by Kate Michelman. Ms. Michelman is the former president of the pro-abortion rights group NARAL Pro-Choice America, having to retire due to family issues. Ms. Michelman is still active in politics today, working with the non-partisan WomenVotePA, a group that's dedicated to making women aware that their vote counts in each election, and that women's issues play a vital role in shaping public policy.

Being the avid user of social media that I am, I thought I'd try to track down Ms. Michelman on Twitter, and low and behold, I got an answer!

I'm hoping to perhaps extend the dialogue with Ms. Michelman as I get into the book, and questions arise.

1 comment:

  1. That is so cool that she responded to your tweet! What a great idea! The book and your project sound very interesting. I think it is pretty awesome to hear of men who are passionate about woman's rights!
